You’re tired. You’re stressed. You have no motivation to make dinner. And beyond that, you could really just use some adult conversation right now with someone who will actually listen to what you’re saying.
In case we haven’t met yet…my name is Amanda, certified health & wellness coach, and my passion is working with busy moms just like you.
Probably because I am one myself. I’m making this crazy, busy life work for us while putting a healthy meal on the table {most} nights. (Ok, so we still have pizza every once in a while and enjoy eating out on occasion too. But life is all about balance, right?!)
I’m here to help you bust through that stress, create a meal plan you can actually stick to, and increase energy without an extra double latte. Head over to the blog for some inspiration.
Just for fun, here are some random facts about me:
:: I love anything chocolate, peanut butter, or caramel.
:: My guilty pleasure is reading…romance novels for the win!
:: I am absolutely terrified of spiders.
:: I’m super indecisive – it’s probably not a good idea to ask me where we should go for dinner or what movie to watch.
:: I flat-iron my hair after every wash to get rid of that natural wave.
:: I was born and raised in Indiana but have spent the last 18 years living in New Jersey, Florida, Alaska, and now Ohio. We think this is where we’ll stay for a while. It feels like ‘home’.