I came across an article last night on Mind Body Green, written by Tara Mullarkey, that I thought would be perfect for Motivation Monday: How to make money doing what you love!
What do you love to do and talk about?
I know, I know. Maybe you’re very clear on what you love, but can’t think of how to make that a thriving business, or you feel so clouded that you don’t even know what you love. Ask yourself:
- If money weren’t a necessity, what would I spend my days doing?
- If I were out for a glass of wine with a friend, what do I love to talk about?
- What do I feel guided to click through and research online? What books am I reading?
Everything counts.
I want you to spend more time doing the things you love … It’ll make you feel good, and when you feel good, you’re in the flow. Brilliant ideas come. And your soul speaks to you.
You can’t think your way to your purpose, it emerges from your soul.
How true is that?? If it consumes you in your personal life then maybe it should cross over in to your career as well. Wouldn’t it be great if we could all spend our time doing things we love and are passionate about? How can I get a job traveling to exotic resorts to review their food and accommodations?! I think I could be passionate about that!
“Follow your passions even if you don’t think you can make a biz out of it. Spending time doing activities that you love help you deepen into your heart space, the space of your soul. When you spend more time there, your offering to the world unfolds with ease.”
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